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  • You know your body well, you may jump into any page as and when needed.

  • All of us have a different body, living environment, culture. language and religion with health conditions, the methods we shared suitable to majority young or old.

  • Methods are natural with no harm unless you do it incorrectly or not according to the instruction given. If anytime you may feel uncomfortable which your body is tries to tell you something. Do take a break, rest for while before trying again.

中国二胡名曲《二泉映月》登上维也纳金色大厅,征服全场观众  中央民族乐团 China National Traditional Orchestra.FormatCode_18
中国二胡名曲《二泉映月》登上维也纳金色大厅,征服全场观众 中央民族乐团 China National Traditional Orchestra.FormatCode_18
Jenkins: Benedictus · Valentino Worlitzsch · World Orchestra for Peace · Sir Karl Jenkins
Jenkins: Benedictus · Valentino Worlitzsch · World Orchestra for Peace · Sir Karl Jenkins
O come, O come, Emmanuel - (PianoCello) - The Piano Guys.FormatCode_18
O come, O come, Emmanuel - (PianoCello) - The Piano Guys.FormatCode_18
Crusader Folk Song ~ Pax in Nomine Domini ~ English & Latin Lyrics.FormatCode_18
Crusader Folk Song ~ Pax in Nomine Domini ~ English & Latin Lyrics.FormatCode_18
Please note:
  1. Feeling unwell or sick, seek a medical doctor for advice first before helping yourself
  2. Multi-lingual so to reach more people with Smartphone, we are looking for a co-editor in each language to work with us
  3. Any comments or suggestions for improvement are welcome   
  1. Glad you take up your responsibility for your health, as the best person to know your current health condition is yourself unless for whatever reason you lost all 5 basic senses.

  2. Using the Ancient Wisdom, we tested, learned from Masters, and proven it works to share them here to help yourself.

  3. We select a few best around the world, some masters generously share it others may need permission to show as copyright, if so, please let us know.

Five Health-related contents:

  1. Physical: Keep our Body Fit using the simplest KungFu exercise

  2. Foods: Take safe quality Water, Herbs, Nutrition & grow your own organic Vegetables indoor

  3. Mental: Manage Emotion in Peace and Harmony spiritually

  4. Recover: Meditation, Relaxation and Music Therapy

  5. Maintain: Eat well, Sleep well & monitor your Fitness in Sun clock  

Self-Service Natural Healthcare

      Under the ongoing pandemic where hospitals and many medical services are limited to save the young, rich, and privileged people in many countries. The old, the poor, and many unprivileged have to depend on themselves.

     Life is beautiful and lovely in Freedom for those who still can maintain their health in their own hands. When your Country and people around you cannot give you a hand, even GOD will only help those who help themselves.  So, don't give up as long as you are able to help yourself.

     Top Chinese physicians treat the disease before you get sick, this Self-Service Natural Healthcare M-Commerce website gathered and offers 5 sections of simple methods for sharing in many short videos from Ancient pearls of Wisdom, for anyone interested to learn and practices to keep them healthy for FREE. 

     We encourage you to share your experience on our 7. Forum and ask questions or even seek help if needed.  We also selected a few important Healthcare products for Personal and Family use or as Gifts for you to purchase in 8. Shop.  Wishing you Good Health and God Bless you! 

Snow Lotus 天山雪蓮 TianShanXueLian
Taking 1~3 years to grow above 3~6K meters on the Himalayas mountain range is the highest flower on earth.  KungFu Master taking this natural herb to Detox and increase their Energy.
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